Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Difference between Conservatives and Liberals

got this in an email today and just had to post it as it is so true!!

If a Conservative doesn't like guns, he doesn't buy one.
If a Liberal doesn't like guns, he wants all guns outlawed.

If a Conservative is a vegetarian, he doesn't eat meat.
If a Liberal is a vegetarian, he wants all meat banned for everyone.

If a Conservative is a homosexual, he quietly lives his life.
If a Liberal is a homosexual, he demands legislated respect.

If a Conservative is down and out, he thinks about how to better his situation.
A Liberal wonders who will take care of him.

If a Conservative doesn't like a talk show host, he changes the station.
If a Liberal doesn't like a talk show host, he demands the host to be fired.

If a Conservative does not believe in God, he doesn't go to church.
If a Liberal is a non-believer, he wants all mention of God and religion to be silenced.

If a conservative needs health care, he shops around for it or chooses a job that provides it.
A liberal demands the rest of us pay for his health care.

Conservatives will read this and have a good laugh.
Liberals will be offended.

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